Two-sided heat kernel estimates for Schrödinger operators
with decaying potentials
王健 教授
报告时间:下午4:00-5:00, 2023-10-17 (星期二)
内容简介: We establish two-sided heat kernel estimates for full time and space of the Schrödinger operator -Δ+V on R⁴,where the potential V(x) is locally bounded and behaves like c|x|-a near infinity for some a∈(0,2) with c>0, or for some a>0 with c<0. In particular, the potential V is decaying near infinity but does not necessarily belong to the so-called Kato-class.
报告人简介:王健, 数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师、国家级青年基金获得者。 主要从事随机过程与随机分析方向的研究,特别是Lévy型过程的随机分析。