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【学术报告】Study on the asymptotic behavior of a quasilinear PDE in random environment

发布日期:2022-05-16    点击:


题目: Study on the asymptotic behavior of a quasilinear PDE in random environment

报告人: 谢宾日本国立信州大学)

时间:2022-05-23 15:00-17:00 (周一下午)

地点: 点击链接入会,或添加至会议列表:


摘要: In this talk, we mainly consider the asymptotic behavior of a certain quasilinear PDE with smeared mild noise, which originally appears as the space-time scaling limit of a zero-range process in random environment on one dimensional discrete lattice. Using the approach of the paracontrolled calculus, we establish the convergence result of the quasilinear SPDE driven by a smeared mild noise and show the local-in-time solvability of the limit quasilinear SPDE with spatial white noise. This talk is based on a joint work with T. Funaki, M. Hoshino and S. Sethuraman.

报告人简介: 谢宾, 信州大学教授(永久职务),博士生导师。2008年3月获得日本国立东京大学数理科学博士学位,于同年4月就职于日本国立信州大学。曾任信州大学数学系主任,现任日本数学会地区代议员。报告人主要从事随机分析及相关领域的研究,特别对与交互粒子系统研究相关的随机偏微分方程感兴趣。报告人多次独立主持日本学术振兴会科学研究经费,主要科研成果发表在Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré-Probabilités et StatistiquesJ. Differential EquationsStochastic Process. Appl.等高水平的国际期刊上。




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