题目: Algebraic axioms of compact Hausdorff spaces
报告人: 栾伟(湖南大学)
时间:2022-04-15 19:00-20:00 (周五晚上)
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摘要: The category opposite to compact Hausdorff spaces is monadic over the category of sets, and thus it is equivalent to a possibly infinitary variety of algebras. The problem of axiomatising compact Hausdorff spaces by equations has remained open for a long time. Nowadays, Marra and Reggio solved this problem using Chang’s MV-algebras. In this talk, we review this elegent work, which provides the MV-algebraic Stone -Weierstrass Theorem and algebraic axioms of compact Hausdorff spaces.
报告人简介: 栾伟,于2021 年在信誉最好的大网投平台获博士学位,师从杨义川老师, 后入湖南大学数学学院做博士后,研究方向为逻辑代数,已在FSS等期刊上发表多篇论文。